Tickets Are On Sale!

It’s official – you can now purchase tickets for WordCamp RI 2015 (September 25 and 26).

Tickets are just $20 for both days!

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WCRI 2015 Logo

Tickets include entrance for both days of the conference, lunch the first day, refreshments, a WordCamp t-shirt, swag, and after-party.

WordCamp will be at New England Tech in East Greenwich. Friday will feature in-depth workshops for those who want to dive deeper into topics. Saturday there will be 45-minute sessions throughout the day, plus our Keynote Speaker Jesse Friedman.

Keep checking back at this website to learn further details as they are released.  Hint: WordCamp RI will have sessions for beginner to advanced level  WordPressers, sessions on setting up your website, sessions to help you write code to create plugins and apps, and sessions tips and tricks for content on your website.

Who uses WordPress?

One of the advantages of attending WordCamp RI is to brainstorm with people you’ve just met.  The sessions are great, but so is the chance to share ideas and ask questions about what you do with your website or blog.  (By the way, WordCamp RI will be on September 25 and 26 at New England Tech in East Greenwich.)

You’ll have the chance to meet a variety of WordPress users.  Attendees will include those who write code and those who write blog posts.  WordCamp RI draws those who have serious websites, light hearted websites, tech sites, lifestyle websites; those who use their blog to reach who ever wants to read the posts and those who use WordPress as their eCommerce platform.

Here are some websites you might want to look over to get ideas about what you can do with your site.  They are all featured in the WordPress Showcase.  These sites will have some features that will work for you and some you may not like.  They are all likely to get you thinking.

Continue reading Who uses WordPress?

Engineering Positive Change

WordCamp RI is excited that our Saturday, September 26, sessions will begin with Keynote Speaker Jesse Friedman.  Jesse is an engaging speaker who never fails to create at least one a-ha! moment in his talks.  This year, Jesse will address how to let creativity shine through on your WordPress website or blog.  He’ll give tips how to make your work stand out plus how to measure what appeals to your website visitors.

Jesse thrives on the creative, but has a talent for presenting his ideas in a practical fashion.  You’ll come away from the keynote with suggestions you can put to work for you right away.

See Jesse’s outline of his talk at

WordCamp RI will be held at the New England Institute of Technology in East Greenwich on Friday and Saturday, September 25 and 26, 2015.

Tickets are on sale now.

Follow WordCamp RI at:

You Know You’re From RI When ….

We’re very excited about our upcoming WordCamp RI to be held at New England Tech in East Greenwich (Sept. 25 and 26).  As a public service to those who are new to Rhode Island or to help any foreigners who might come to WordCamp RI  (you know, like someone from Massachusetts) here is some background to help you understand Rhode Islanders.   First off, the town where WordCamp RI will be held is pronounced “eest gren-ich.”  There is no “green” and no “witch” in the pronunciation.

Then, there is a misconception that people from Rhode Island speak English with an accent.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  We speak English wicked good, and it is those from elsewheres – youse have an accent. Daniella points out that Rhode Islanders put extra effort into speaking English correctly, for example taking the step of adding an “r” to the end of words which do not have one.  Doing more is surely a sign of dedication.  Karen observes that to recover from all that additional work, Rhode Islanders then take a rest from using the “r” included in some words.  You bettah understand that.

Many Rhode Islanders have stories of having people assuming “Long Island” when we say “Rhode Island.”  Yep, that’s us. Just take the bridge right into NYC.

Continue reading You Know You’re From RI When ….

Posted in RI