This slideshow could not be started. Try refreshing the page or viewing it in another browser. Come to the WordPress RI Meetup on Tuesday night and hear Hanna Furey’s tips on How to Create a Comprehensive Training Manual for Your Clients. Hanna is the Digital Project Manager at Oomph and was one of the presenters at WordCamp RI 2016. Where: Oomph (map) When: 6 p.m. Tuesday October 11, 2016 RSVP to join the Meeteup. Want a sneak preview? Watch Hanna’s presentation from WordCamp RI 2016. We just wrapped up our 5th annual WordCamp RI! What a fantastic turn-out! Enlightening speakers! Thank you New England Tech for being a great host! Please take a moment and fill out our survey. What should we repeat next year? What thoughts and suggestions do you have to take WordCamp RI to an even higher level next year? Here’s the link to the survey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 5th Annual WordCamp RI WordCamp RI is two days loaded with information and tips and tricks for using WordPress. It takes place at New England Tech in East Greenwich on Friday and Saturday, September 30 and October 1. Here’s what’ll happen: Workshop Day – Friday, September 30 – Bring your laptop Happiness Bar (aka Help Desk) – Both Days Volunteers will be at your service at the Happiness Bar, giving you one-on-one help with your WordPress website. Bring your laptop and your questions! We are very excited to have John Maeda, former President of RISD, as the Keynote Speaker at the 5th Annual WordCamp RI. His talk is ” From STEM to STEAM to Startups and Dreams.” He’ll talk about bringing advanced design to the advanced technology of WordPress. He’s in a position to know about that. Maeda is now the Global Head of Computational Design + Inclusion at Automattic, the people behind WordPress. We’ll have a private tent on the waterfront of East Greenwich at Finn’s Harborside. Need we say more? Get your tickets! – $20 gets you Really – can you afford to stay home??? See you at the 5th Annual WordCamp RI! Create a portfolio in one day at WordCamp RI on September 30. WordCamp RI has a variety of sessions lined up for the 5th annual WordCamp RI on Friday and Saturday September 30 and October 1. You might also like WordCamp RI will be held at New England Tech in East Greenwich. Take a look at the schedule: Tickets for both Friday and Saturday are only $20. That includes all the sessions you want to attend both days, one-on-one help at the Happiness Bar (aka Help Desk), lunch both days, and the After-Party on Saturday. Get tickets at: John Maeda has a vision and goal: that what you see and what you don’t see will work together well. Especially when it comes to websites. Especially when it comes to WordPress websites. Because it’s not a case of “what you see is what you get” but rather what you don’t see determines what you will get. Quoting from his blog, Maeda, in 1996, “co-founded the Aesthetics + Computation Group (ACG) along with a talented group of people who seamlessly bridged the wide divide that existed back then between engineers who could design and engineers who could code. ” John Maeda is an American executive spearheading a new convergence across the design + technology industries. He recently joined Automattic as Global Head of Computational Design + Inclusion. Automattic is the company behind WordPress. Maeda says “Being at MIT for close to 20 years shaped how I saw the world …. But it was my years leading Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) that shaped how I saw the world through artists’ and designers’ eyes.” WordCamp RI is excited and honored that Maeda has said “yes” to our request that he be our Keynote Speaker on October 1. Maeda previously served as Design Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a world-leading venture capital firm. An internationally recognized speaker and author, his books include The Laws of Simplicity, Creative Code and Redesigning Leadership. He holds degrees in Electrical Engineering + Computer Science from MIT, an MBA from Arizona State U, and a PhD from University of Tsukuba in Japan. WordCamp RI is being held Friday September 30 and Saturday October 1 at New England Tech in East Greenwich. You can get tickets: Are you wondering how to get the most traffic to your WordPress website? Wonder where the traffic you have is coming from? You need to attend the two-hour workshop “Keeping Your Website/Blog Looking Fresh!” and “Analytics: Gaining Meaningful Data from Your Audience” on Friday, September 30 at New England Tech in East Greenwich. Ajay Coletta, Assistant Professor at the New England Institute of Technology, along with Patrick Gleavey will be helping you maximize your internet audience. Ajay teaches multiple courses in WordPress and enthusiastically uses the platform in his personal life as well. Bring your laptop and an eagerness to learn. You’ll be getting a lot out of this morning’s workshop. WordCamp RI is just $20 for both Friday and Saturday, including lunch each day and the After-Party on Saturday evening. Get your ticket at: WordPress is the perfect internet platform for you, but you are not sure how to begin. WordCamp RI to the rescue! During the Friday workshop sessions, on September 30, there will be two beginner workshops. One is geared to the person who likes to have some hands-on control over the coding of their website and the other workshop focusses on creating what content you need and leaving the maintenance to WordPress itself. WordPress.ORG Basics: Setup and Installation is being offered by Daniella Norwood of Ella J Designs. Daniella has taught at past WordCamps and is always well-received. You’ll be able to set-up a website in this workshop or make improvements to the site you currently have. WordPress.COM Basics: Setup and Installation is for the person who wants to create a website, blog or portfolio and does not want to worry about security updates and maintenance. Lydia Rogers will show you how to get your website up and running with the focus on what content you’ll be putting on the internet. Both Workshops will run for 4 hours, with a break for lunch. Bring your laptop; WiFi will be available. Before you arrive on Friday morning think about: What is the purpose of this website/blog? Now there is only one thing left to do – get your ticket to WordCamp RI! Friday September 30 and Saturday October 1 at New England Tech in East Greenwich. Friday is workshop day and Saturday offers you a choice of 45-minute seminars on varying topics. $20 gets you both days of WordCamp RI with lunch included each day. You cannot afford not to come! by joyMarie Adamonis- FriedmanMake a Great Training Manual
What did you think of Word Camp RI?
What Will Happen at WordCamp RI 2016?
Walk in with Your Laptop – Walk out with a Website
Automattic’s new Global Head of Computational Design + Inclusion — Keynote at WordCamp RI
Keynote – John Maeda
Computational Design and Inclusion.
Google Analytics Boot Camp
Create Your Portfolio, Your Blog, Your Website at WordCamp RI
Thank You to Our Speakers
Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Q:Jon, In your professional life, when you’re not helping to speaking at WordCamp RI or attending meet ups, what do you do? What role does WordPress play?
Q:WordCamp RI is two days of all things WordPress. For someone attending for the first time, what advice do you offer to get the most out of WordCamp?
Q: You’ve been very active over the years as a presenter! Tell me about that.
Q: After WordCamp RI is over, there is the After-Party. What is that? Why should I attend?
Q: What’s this Happiness Bar everyone is talking about? Why would I want to stop by?
Highlights WordCamp RI 2016
Did you know that every speaker at a WordCamp volunteers their time to do so? That’s right! Each and every speaker we have had the privilege of hosting at WordCamp RI has done so on their own time. Without these amazing speakers, WordCamps all over the world would not be as successful as they are. We thank each speaker for submitting talks and ultimately choosing to volunteer their efforts to help make WordCamp RI such a success.
Each year, we invite the speakers to a private party to thank them for all they have contributed to WordCamp RI. This year we are hosting a dinner party at KON where they will eat, drink and surely talk WordPress! Speakers can network amongst themselves and also meet the organizing team! It’s always a great night and it’s something we at WordCamp RI love to do for our talented group of speakers.
Along with the organizing team, each speaker is dedicated to helping the WordPress community grow & flourish. If you think speaking at a WordCamp sounds like something you are interested in, please consider submitting a talk. We hope you are as excited about this year’s WordCamp RI as we are! Hope to see you there!
Jonathan Desrosiers is a WordPress developer who is active in the WordPress community. He took some time to share his thoughts and advice about WordCamp RI 2016.
A:WordPress, for me, is huge. I have made my living with WordPress for over 7 years now. The WordPress community is amazing, and I always try to give back in whatever way I can. I have spoken at WordCamps and meet ups in the past, contributed to WordPress core, and even helped teach people WordPress 1-on-1. I also use WordPress for personal projects when I am trying to start my own sites. It has helped me grow both professionally and personally.
A:I recommend that you bring your favorite notebook and pen, business cards, and an open mind. WordCamps are full of information and people that you can learn from and network with. Don’t feel overwhelmed if there are a lot of sessions or get frustrated if there are two you want to see in the same time slot. The talks are recorded, and eventually make it on to But most importantly, don’t be afraid to ask questions! I guarantee every speaker is passionate about what they will be presenting and would love to answer any questions you have.
A: I have spoken in some form at WordCamp RI since 2012. Even though I am from southeastern Massachusetts, I see WordCamp RI as my “home” WordCamp. I went to college in Providence, have been employed in Rhode Island, and have also been very active in the WordPress RI meet ups. Rhode Island has a large number of creatives. Sharing my knowledge and helping others grow is very rewarding.
A: The After-Party is a great opportunity to network with the other attendees and speakers or ask more questions about something you found interesting in a session. I know people who have developed long term business relationships with other agencies and even gotten full time jobs because they networked at WordCamp after-parties.
A: The Happiness Bar is a designated location where you can go for help with a WordPress related issue you are having. Volunteers will be there to sit with you 1-on-1 and help walk you through steps you should take to try to solve your problem. They will do their best to solve your issue with you. But if they can’t, they will at least try to provide you with resources to point you in the right direction.